19 July 2007


I'm a little stunned. I put an ad on Craig's List at 1:10pm, for a receptionist. An hour and a half later, I've gotten 54 responses by email, and another handful by fax. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, she said wryly.

Edited to add: It's 9:45 the next morning, and there are now 218 emails from people applying for the job. I'm not sure where to begin. And, no, we're not offering some fabulous salary - it's an entry level position at a non-profit arts organization. I think there are a lot of people out of work.


S said...

We are truly living in an incredible age.

painted maypole said...

um... wow. Do they include resumes? You have to wonder how many will be worth even looking at.

niobe said...

That must have been quite an ad. Or perhaps the economy isn't quite as good as we've been led to believe.

thailandchani said...

I'm with niobe on this one. It's just a reflection of the poor economy.



Day Dreamer said...

Egad! Good luck sifting!

Girlplustwo said...

koo-koo-a-do. you must be paying top dollar. otherwise, buckle in for the ride, friend. i can say this because i've done this too. i might still be buckled.

Scribbit said...

Well can I send you my resume? :)

I'm assuming you don't need 54 receptionists either, I guess one would suffice.

S. said...

Now that we've been open awhile, we never need to advertise, but without craigslist I have no idea how I would have done my initial hiring.

I advertised for entry-level bookstore work in a much less thrilling market and was (proportionately) similarly overrun.

Julie Pippert said...

It's low-skill but in an office, with a potential to move into an industry. And a bad economy.

I'm not surprised.

Antropóloga said...

I remember when I would put out ads for more low-level social workers, a totally crappy horribly paid job, and we would get tons of applicants, and I always wondered what was WRONG with those people that they wanted the job! It was sort of like not wanting to join any club that would have you--I didn't want to hire anybody that was dumb enough to work for me.